Does it seem easy to print your photos,
yet impossible to find the time to finish a photo book?
I work with creative moms like you who capture their family’s everyday moments all year long.
The trouble is, now you have thousands of photos sitting in your catalog, unprinted, collecting digital dust with no easy way to see them at once.
Do you want to print your photos in a beautiful photo book but get extremely overwhelmed at the thought of spending countless hours at your computer after your kids have gone to bed selecting photos and designing the pages?
I’m here to tell you: Designing a photo book is possible.
It’s time to design a photo book you’ll love and love to share.
In 100 Pages.
In 30 Days.
In One Hundred Pages is a self-study, action-packed workshop to help moms make a super fast, elegantly simple, gorgeous photo book in time for the holidays.
If you have limited time but desperately want your photos composed in a photo book to share with family and friends, this is the must-have workshop to finally put a photo book in your hands.
And it makes a perfect gift for your kids to give their grandmothers for Christmas. {wink, wink}
In One Hundred Pages is perfect for anyone who:
- has thousands of unprinted photos
- does not have time for a full annual photo book
- wants a photo book sitting on their coffee table
- is looking for an easier way to make a photo book
- can’t wait to try an Artifact Uprising book
- would love to sit down with their best friend and show her what’s happened during the year
- says they are going to make a photo book every year, then doesn’t actually follow through
You’ve carried your camera around all year, capturing life’s big and small moments. You’ve worked hard to refine your skills & push your imagination. Even if you don’t have time for a comprehensive photo book, your photos deserve to be printed.
To design a beautiful photo book in less time, you need a clear roadmap.
In One Hundred Pages shows you:
exactly what to do,
when you need to do it,
and how to do with ease.
This might change my life. Oh my word. Stacey. I just watched your video about using Bridge and narrowed down almost 1,600 photos to 79.
I had no idea it could be THAT easy. It sounds dramatic but this might be the lightbulb I needed to actually get a book printed.
What you’ll learn:
Discover the essential tool to organize your photos in less time.
Figure out how to select from photos you love, faster and without regret.
Uncover the secret to designing pages faster than ever before.
Learn how to design without guesswork or overwhelm.
What’s included:
105 page Instructional PDF with 75 screenshots showing you how to select photos and layouts for a photo book.
Over 30 minutes of screen capture video revealing my entire workflow – from organization to design.
Annotated page-by-page preview one of my favorite In One Hundred Pages Artifact Uprising Photo Book.
Question and Answer video addressing your submitted questions to make sure you keep making progress.
Originally $75.
Get it now for $50.
Thanks for sharing this, Stacey! It really helps me to see how you paired your images and the flow from page to page.
STACEY WISEMAN is the owner of Book This Project – a website dedicated to helping creative moms print their photos. She’s been designing photo books for her family, and several families around the world, over the last four years. In 2014, her Four Letters photo book was selected as one of Blurb’s Favorite Books.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What if I have too many photos?
There is no such thing. It doesn’t matter if you have 1,000 photos, 10,000 photos or 20,000 photos. We all have a difficult time selecting photos for a book. Especially, the right photo for a layout. I’ll show you 4 different ways to narrow your photos. All in bite-size, easy to understand steps. It’s not a once and for all process. It’s a multi-layer process to help you succeed.
What if I have absolutely no design skills?
In One Hundred Pages is not about understanding design principles to make your photo book. It’s about printing your photos! It’s entirely possible to design a beautiful book using standards layouts when you understand how layouts impact the photo you select. This workshop is packed with examples and explanations to illustrate the concepts.
My holidays are so jammed packed with activities. I'm afraid I won't have enough time?
I completely understand. Between office parties, school activities, and family gatherings, this is a busy time of year. No doubt about it. I’ve structured this workshop so it shares exactly the information you need – no more, no less – to design a book in less than 30 days. By starting in November, you’ll have plenty of time to go through your 2017 photos, design your pages and receive your book before the holidays.
I make an annual photo book every year. How is this project different?
I love annual photo books and also make an annual book every year. It documents our family’s year in a thorough and organized fashion. In One Hundred Pages is a very different book and project. In some way, my One Hundred Pages book is more personal. This project is about narrowing your photos – so you’re not showing everything about the year. Instead your finding the photos that have the most meaning for you. I’ll walk you through the process through a series of challenges and examples.